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Blog Summary

You don’t need to be wealthy to be healthy.

Nutrition Digests aims to help you learn how to eat well and smartly. I am passionate about seeing you live healthily. The truth is that health is wealth, but not all wealthy people are healthy, and not all average or poor people are sickly. Your nutrition is not measured by your wealth as popularly thought by many but by your conscious desire to live healthy despite your income or financial status. Follow this blog to know how you can achieve healthy living on your own budget.


About Me

I am Fiyinfoluwa Oladele, a food technologist/nutritionist by training. I am passionate about good nutrition and I always encourage people on living healthy by maximizing the cheap foods around them. Often, I find people complaining that it will cost them more to take fruits and vegetables. But what if they invest the same amount of money for junk in these fresh easily obtainable fruits and vegetables? I would like to share amazing stuff on nutrition. Ride with me on this exciting journey.

Thank you


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