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Say Goodbye to Bloated Stomach Woes: Causes, Prevention, and Home Remedies

Do you often find yourself feeling uncomfortable due to a bloated stomach? You’re not alone. Bloating is a common digestive issue that can be caused by various factors, including certain foods and lifestyle habits. In this blog post, we’ll explore the primary sources of bloating,… Read More »Say Goodbye to Bloated Stomach Woes: Causes, Prevention, and Home Remedies

Plantain| Benefits, Useful tips on plantain selection and preparation suggestions.

Plantain is one of the staple foods in tropical countries. Plantains are the bigger version of banana fruits although they contain more starch.They have thicker skin than banana and are often called cooking bananas. Plantains are thick and dense while bananas are soft. The major… Read More »Plantain| Benefits, Useful tips on plantain selection and preparation suggestions.

How much fruits?

  Fruits are colourful and natural food that nature provides. We eat fruits for their satiety value and their health benefits. Fruits provide nutrients such as  vitamin C, potassium ,dietary fibre and other important vitamins which are helpful for health and maintenance of the body.… Read More »How much fruits?