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How much fruits?


Fruits are colourful and natural food that nature provides. We eat fruits for their satiety value and their health benefits. Fruits provide nutrients such as  vitamin C, potassium ,dietary fibre and other important vitamins which are helpful for health and maintenance of the body. Vitamin C is important for growth and repair; helps heal cuts and wounds; helps keep teeth and gums healthy and helps the body to absorb iron more easily. Potassium helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and dietary fibre helps reduce blood cholesterol levels which may lower risk of heart disease. People who eat fruits regularly as part of their healthy diet are not easily prone to diseases.

How much fruit needed by individuals depends on factors such as sex, age, calorie needed and health issue.  The amount of fruits needed by each person averagely varies between one and two cups.

Daily Fruit Recommendations

Children2-4 years oldI Cup
 5-8 years old1 ½ Cups
Girls9-13 years old1 ½ Cups
 14-18 years old2 Cups
Boys9-13 years old1 ½ Cups
 14-18 years old2 Cups
Women19-30years old2 Cups
 31-50years old1 ½ Cups
 50-50+years old1 ½ Cups
Men19-30years old2 ½ Cups
 31-50years  old2 Cups
 50-50+years old2 Cups


How much of whole fruit or cut-up fruit is equivalent to a cup?



Fruits1 Cup Equivalent
Apple1 small apple
Bananas2 medium-sized bananas
Mango1 medium-sized mango
Oranges1 large or 2 small oranges or 1 cup of 100%orange juice
Plum2 large plums
Strawberries8 large strawberries
Pawpaw½ of medium-sized pawpaw
Dates10 dates
Guava3 guavas
African Star Apple (Cherry/Agbalumo/ Udara)4 big cherries
Soursop1 medium sized soursop
Pear1 medium pear
Dried fruits (raisins,½ cup
Watermelon1 small wedge


See beautiful slides of colourful Fruits.

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