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My Journey to Becoming a Slow Eater

woman eating bruschetta

In an age where everything seems to move rapidly, our health often takes a backseat to convenience and efficiency. However, eating quickly can have significant repercussions on our general well-being. Research has proven that some major health challenges such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure etc., are linked to eating fast. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to the pace at which we eat.

Although some foods are delicious, the temptation to rush the food must be avoided.

On average, It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to signal to the brain that it is full. Digestion is controlled by hormones, and they need time to respond before the brain can recognize the sensation of fullness and prompt you to stop eating.

I must admit that I used to be a fast eater, and I can tell you, it’s not easy to slow down. Although I’m on a journey to become a slow eater, I often wish I could eat like my younger sister, who naturally eats slowly.

I used to believe that eating fast might be inherent until an African friend of mine shared her story about how her upbringing influenced her eating habits. In her household, the father encouraged all the children to eat from a common bowl. The older children, with their larger mouths and faster chewing, often ate more, leaving less for the younger ones. This experience conditioned her to eat quickly.

Her story reminded me of a similar incident from my childhood. My mom gave me and my two older sisters a bowl of food to share. I struggled to keep up, so I grabbed the bowl and ran off with it.

Background plays a significant role in shaping our eating habits and lifestyle. However, we can take control and develop healthier eating practices through discipline and conscious effort.

Eating slowly offers numerous benefits, such as:

* Aiding digestion

* Promoting weight loss

* Reducing cravings between meals

* Helping maintain appropriate portion sizes

* Contributing to long-term health and well-being

While the journey to becoming a slow eater can be challenging, the rewards make it worth the effort. By slowing down, we can improve our relationship with food and ultimately lead healthier lives.

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