Why do we eat green leafy vegetables (GLV)? In some countries, green leafy vegetables are prepared into salads and other delicacies that do not require so much heat while in some countries, these green leafy vegetables are prepared into soups and other forms. Do we just eat the green leafy vegetables because of their great taste or for satiety? Well, some vegetables have a bland or bitter taste. It’s time to take GLV intentionally as they contain so many nutrients. If some people knew the benefits of taking GLV, they would not mind eating them every day irrespective of how they taste. I can never forget the day I discovered that imported lettuce was bought at a price in a shopping mall. Since then, no none thought me how to eat the wild lettuce that grows freely in my home garden, afterall both vegetables are cousins. Read more about lettuce: https://www.indigo-herbs.co.uk/natural-health-guide/benefits/wild-lettuce
Some common green leafy vegetables and their health benefits

- Rich in iron and a great source of Vitamins A, C, K and dietary fibre
- Aids in bone health
- Reduces blood sugar
- Reduces hypertension
- Helps brain wealth
- Prevents anaemia
- Prevents acne

- Rich in calcium,magnesium and potassium and antioxidants
- Aids blood production
- Helps in treating convulsion in children
- Promotes fertility
- Improves memory
- Helps in managing diabetes

- Rich in Protein, essential amino acids, pectin, Vitamin B, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Thiamine, Lead, Copper, Manganese, Riboflavin, niacin, alpha and beta tocopherols.
- Shrinks cancer cells
- Increases intelligence and assimilation
- Treats measles in children

- Rich in vitamins, proteins , anti oxidants and dietary fibre.
- Fertility treatment
- Treats intestinal disorders.
- Treat rheumatism
- Lowers blood sugar/ good for diabetic
- Lowers blood pressure/prevent hypertension
- Aid postpartum recovery
- Improve appetite
- Treats dysentery/diarrhoea
- Eases indigestion
- Aids in weight loss
- Relieves pain

- Rich in vitamin A, C and E, ; folate, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, dietary fibres and protein
- Aids weight loss
- Prevents aging
- Strengthens bone and teeth
- Stabilizes blood pressure
- Helps in hormone stabilization in women especially during menstrual cycle
- Improves brain health

- Rich in proteins
- Treats indigestion
- Treats flatulence
- Headache relief
- Kidney and liver health
- Has antitumor, antioxidants, antidiabetics, and wound healing properties

- Relieves pain
- Improves digestion
- Liver detoxification
- Post pregnancy treatment
- Eases ulcer pain

- Rich in vitamin A, iron phosphorus, calcium and magnesium
- Treats stomach disorders ( menstruation cramps, dysentery )
- Fights skin conditions like ringworm
- Improves heart function
- Lowers blood sugar
- Treats sore throat

- Helps to provide relief from headache and migraine
- Treats urinary tract problem
- Maintains respiratory health especially in asthma patients.
- Treats insomnia, restlessness and poor blood circulation

- Lowers high blood pressure
- Treats abdominal issues
- Enhances fertility
- Helps relieve insomnia
- improves metabolic function

- Rich in zinc, iron magnesium and calcium
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Treats diarrhoea
- Boosts red blood cells function
- Boosts the immune system
- Boosts kidney and liver health

- Rich in vitamin A, iron, vitamin B6, folate and potassium
- Rich in protein
- Aids weight loss
- Stimulate growth and repair
- Aids hair growth
Some common errors during the preparation and consumption of the green leafy vegetables include:
* Slicing before rinsing
*Freezing and thawing several times
* Over blanching/steaming
* Not eating raw
* Squeezing out the juice before cooking
*Addition of potash (kaun) to ewedu
* Consuming very little quantity as against the quantity of swallow etc
Tips on Eating Vegetables
* Eat green vegetables raw or drink the juice on empty stomach.
* Blanching should only be done for heavily textured vegetables and not exceed two minutes.
* Before refrigerating, dish into small units to avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
* Rinse the vegetables before cutting to minimize loss of nutrients
* Stop the addition of potash while cooking vegetables, you can replace it with bicarbonate of soda if need be
* Steam washed vegetables in sauce for about 2-3 minutes to avoid overcooking
* Eat a considerable amount of vegetables with the complementing carbohydrate
* Eat or drink vegetables/vegetable juices often- at least 4 times a week
* Eat fresh vegetables
This is a very enlightening piece. So much information neatly packaged in well thought-out utterances.
I’m impressed as I’m educated. I’m especially surprised by how much nutrients water leaf contains! and to think it increases intelligence? Come on!
I’m glad I read this.
I must ask though, can one juice and drink raw Uzuiza leaves?
Thank you so much sis, I am so happy to hear this. About juicing of uziza leaves, I think it is better to brew the leaves into tea. In other words, you boil the fresh leaves and drink the water or you add boiled water to some dried/grounded leaves and let it sit for 10 minutes before you drink warm.
This is helpful and enlightening. I will try it out and give you a feedback
Thank you sir…I would be excited to receive feedback