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How to reduce insulin spike in the body

  • Tips

Maintaining insulin level and high blood sugar levels can improve mood, reduce fatigue, improve brain and blood vessel health.

Also, in order to avoid insulin resistance and high blood sugar which can lead to diabetes, it is necessary to reduce insulin spikes.

Strategies to achieve this may include:

• Reduce carbohydrate intake –
Often, the foods that keep blood sugar levels low are also foods that will help keep insulin levels low. These foods are known to maintain a slower, steady need for insulin instead of causing sudden spikes. These are known as low glycemic index foods and are preferred sources of carbohydrates.
They include; avocado, banana, blueberry, cinnamon, garlic, honey, peanut butter, oatmeal, vinegar, unsweetened yogurt.

• Switch from highly processed or refined grains to whole grains, a better healthy alternative.

• Eat a balanced diet filled with whole grains, vegetables, legumes, lean protein, nuts, and seeds instead of plain carbohydrates. This helps to prevent insulin spike  and  control blood sugar.

• Exercise regularly
Exercise  can help by increasing insulin sensitivity, allowing muscle cells to use the hormone more effectively to take up glucose and use it for energy. This can help lower blood sugar in the short term.

• Hydrate
Less water in the body result in higher concentration of sugar in the blood. Therefore, taking more water and avoiding soda or fruit juices can help lower blood sugar.

• Get enough sleep
Sufficient sleep reduce insulin resistance and hunger.

• Manage stress.
The stress hormones the body releases when it is under tension or ill can raise the blood sugar levels so it is necessary to reduce every form of stress.

• Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can help to prevent insulin spikes after meal.

• Reduce portion sizes
Large amount of foods can cause the body to produce extra insulin which can eventually lead to hyperinsulinemia.

• Avoid added sugars and cut down on highly processed foods.

• Reduce weight especially the abdominal (visceral) fat. Reduced visceral fat can lead to increased insulin sensitivity and lower insulin levels

• Green tea may increase insulin sensitivity and decrease insulin levels.

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