Lactose Intolerance
Do you feel uncomfortable, bloat or stool 30minutes – 2hours after drinking milk or any product containing milk?
It is possible you have lactose intolerance.
Lactose intolerance occurs when lactose is not fully digested and absorbed in the small intestine.
Lactose is a sugar that is naturally found in milk and milk products.
Lactose requires enzyme lactase to be split in glucose and galactose before it is absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal lining.
If enzyme lactase is insufficient, lactose will not be absorbed and when it reaches the colon, it causes flatulence, bloating, diarrhoea and cramps.
Facts about lactose intolerance
• Lactose intolerance is not milk protein allergy.
• Lactase is expressed in babies and then it decreases as they grow older unless they keep drinking milk.
• Lactose intolerance is most common in people of African, Asian, Hispanic and American Indian descent.
• Lactose intolerance is common in adults.
Types of lactose intolerance.
Primary lactose intolerance
Primary lactose intolerance happens as children grow older and they replace milk with other foods. The amount of lactase production declines drastically as the children proceeds to adulthood.
Secondary lactose intolerance
Secondary lactose intolerance happens as a result of illness, injury, intestinal surgery or cancer radiation therapy.
Congenital or developmental lactose intolerance.
This type of lactose intolerance is rare and uncommon. It is a situation where babies are
born with lactose intolerance. Premature infants can also have lactose intolerance because of an insufficient lactase level.
Tips to reduce lactose intolerance
• Include small amounts of milk and milk products at a time, together with regular meals.
• Always read food labels as many processed foods have lactose, including snack foods, bakery products, candy, dry mixes, dried vegetables, and infant formulas.
• Eat more of low-lactose milk products such as cheese and yoghurt, or lactose-free milk products or milk substitutes such as (soy- milk, almond milk, coconut milk).
• Add lactase enzyme (liquid or powder) to milk to break down the lactose.
• Take enzyme supplement as prescribed to help digest milk and other milk products.
• Eat more of kale, almonds, beef liver, fatty fish(tuna, mackerel, salmon), dried beans, egg yolk instead of milk.