Fasting is abstinence from all or some food, or drink for a period of time. Fasting is often viewed as unhealthy but when done properly, it is very healthy. Starvation is an extreme form of fasting which is unhealthy. The healthy types of fastings are water fasting, juice fasting, partial fasting, intermittent fasting, calorie restriction, and periodic fasting

Health Benefits Of Fasting
• Lowers insulin levels
• Aids weight loss
• Supports a healthy by reducing blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels
• Aids digestion
• Helps in detoxifying the body system
• Helps shrink fibroid
• Promotes brain cell growth and boosts your mood.
• Delays aging and improves the overall health
• Maintains smoother and firmer skin
• Improves longevity
• Reduces inflammation
• Maintains normal hormone balance
• Increases testosterone.
• Helps in cancer prevention and treatment.
Read More On the Health Benefits of fasting here
What happens when we fast?
The body produces its own sugar which helps the liver convert non-carbohydrate materials like lactate, amino acids, and fats into glucose energy. Fasting puts the body under mild stress, since the basal metabolic rate becomes more efficient, which lowers the heart rate and blood pressure. Also, this makes the cells adapt by enhancing their ability to cope in other words, they become strong.
In addition, cells are protected from DNA damage, and unwanted cells are eliminated.
How To Fast The Right Way?
• Keep fasting periods short
• Eat a small amount on fast days
• Stay hydrated
• Don’t breakfast with a feast
• Don’t fast if you feel unwell
• Eat enough protein
• Take supplements
• Keep exercise mild
Who Should Not Fast?
• People with a medical condition like heart disease or type 2 diabetes;
• Women who are trying to conceive; Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding;
• People who are underweight;
• Those who have experienced an eating disorder;
• People who have problems with blood sugar regulation;
• People with low blood pressure ;
• Those who are taking prescription medications;
• Woman with a history of amenorrhea;
• Older adults