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Are you a random eater or an intentional eater?

  • Food, Tips

I have a confession!

I am a foodie ….Sounds funny? When we were little, my cousin once ate a dozen of bean-cake ‘akara’ and I ate just 9 pieces…smiles. Well, I don’t know why my appetite changed while growing up but I still eat well.

Although a foodie, I am not a random or irrational foodie but an intentional one. I spend more on what I eat.

Are you a random or an intentional eater?

A random eater feeds on anything, anytime and anywhere. Such persons have daily cravings for processed foods, overcooked foods, added sugars etc. Eating randomly increase your risk of micronutrient deficiencies, obesity, high blood pressure , type 2 diabetes etc. An intentional eater, however, has lower risk of these nutrition-related diseases.  An intentional eater is such that feeds on optimal diet (consisting of fruits, vegetables, wholegrain, legumes, nuts and seeds) and are nutritionally compatible.

Guess what? You can change from being a random eater to an intentional eater.

Here are a few things to do:
• Be intentional.
• Set a goal ( why and how you want to achieve this).
• List all you need to limit and add to your diet.
• Create a healthy meal plan…or contact @nutritiondigests for this.
• Eat as planned.
• Document your progress

Do you know that eating an optimal diet from age 20 would increase life expectancy by more than 10 years, changing from a random diet to optimal diet at age 60 would increase life expectancy by 8years and for 80 years old, life expectancy  would increase by almost three and half years.

It’s not too late to engage in this powerful transition. Start eating well!

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