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Why Cantaloupe is good for you.

Cantaloupe is a fruit of the  Cucurbitaceae family, along with honeydew melons, watermelons, pumpkins,  gourds and cucumbers.
Other names for cantaloupe include muskmelon, mush melon, rock melon, and Persian melon. It is a nutrient-dense fruit that can be eaten it its raw or cooked form.

Given names in other languages;
Yoruba- elégédé, esí

Interesting facts about Cantaloupe
The cantaloupe was named after the commune Cantalupo in Sabina, in the Sabine Hills near Tivoli, Italy, a summer residence of the Pope.
Cantaloupe is packed with Vitamin A and antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin and cryptoxanthin. That means protection against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers.
• Cantaloupe are the most popular melon in the United States
• A ripe cantaloupe indicates its ripeness itself. In harvest time, the vine will detach from the fruit and the rind, underneath the netting, will turn beige or cream. Also, great fragrance is the hallmark of a good ripe cantaloupe.
• Cantaloupes can soften after harvest but its sweetness does not change.
• The flesh of in-season cantaloupes will be bright, sweet, and juicy. Out of season, it may be hard and bland.
• Cantaloupes are available all year round but are sweetest in summer season which is June and September.

Benefits of Cantaloupe
• It can reduce your risk of heart diseases, heart attacks, cancer or strokes. 
• It helps you stay hydrated and full of energy because it is filled with electrolytes
• It helps prevent obesity and maintain a healthy body weight.
• It is high in fiber, which helps regulate digestion and keep your gut flora and blood sugar in check.
• It is a great source of Vitamin A which helps with vision, cell growth, cell division, reproduction, and immunity.
• It helps with asthma treatment as it contains choline.
• It helps to lower blood pressure as it contains 10% of daily recommended intake of potassium.
• It helps in promoting hair growth and keeps the skin supple.
• It has 100% recommended daily intake of vitamins C (65grams) per day, which is needed to help protect your cells from damage.

Serving suggestions for Cantaloupe
Simply slice or dice it as dessert
• Add to vegetable salad or fruit salad
• Make a fruit parfait  with it in addition to greek yoghurt and  granola
• Make into smoothie with other fruits
• Mash into sauce with other spices.
• Make into popsicle (with coconut or other fruits)
• Add to lemonade
• Roast the cleaned seeds in the oven. Eat them for a healthy snack or add them to granola.

• Cantaloupe has a high glycemic index but low glycemic load so it is still okay for type2 diabetic patients  but overeating cantaloupe can increase blood sugar levels.
• People suffering from ragweed pollen allergies cannot eat cantaloupe. 
• To keep yourself from potential food borne illness, wash the outside of the melon with a brush under water (no soap) before cutting it open. 

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